Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seasoned Balls.

Today is the day I start blogging. I always had a different perspective on blogging but my sensitive side has gotten over me. Cut the crap, time to cock :D

I didn't realise how cool this guy was so with my thoughtfulness I decided to share it amongst bloggers. On the other random side, many have come up to me and ask hey who or how your dream girl would be, I'd show you this photo.

Dial F for the FatWoman. Unlike Spiderman swinging webs or Superman with super strength, she's got this amazing pair of boobs that could terrorise people just by exposing them. Through this people will catch the highly contageous disease aka eye cancer. Something that even the incredible Hulk would cry head over heels.

Some chunks of shit that shows emotions. The left is expressing that he has no sense of direction and nowhere to go, that is why it is stuck on the toilet - unflushed. Just like life, if you don't make wise decisions at crucial times, you get stuck with the problems you are at. The right suggests you smile always though sometimes people are down to the dumps remember to always think positive and remind yourself of this piece of shit and you will realise that life is always full of surprises.
One of a million reasons why I chose to embark a life long ambition to be a breast surgeon. These chicks live an agonisingly depressing life as they get teased at by cruel people like you. Therefore I really want to lend them a hand by giving them a bigger pair of breast to ensure their infants could easily acsess to milk supply by not trying to find a way out in a surrounding of bubbly fats.

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